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Family: Jens Peter RASMUSSEN / Ane Marie PEDERSEN

m. 24 May 1861


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50th Wedding Anniversary

The following is a Google translation from the Danish text. If anyone who speaks fluent Danish can help with a better translation it would be very appreciated!

Jens Peter Rasmussen and Wife
Ane Marie Pedersen
Golden Wedding in Vitved
on 24 May 1911

Who was it well, as wedded in Vitved Dale Bo and in Member and Adversity each other support faith? It was Jens Peter Bonde and saw his good Viv. There they lived a cheerful, even and active life.

Who was it that behind the forest up cultivated his land and laid hands on the plow and tense Studen for? It was Jens Peter Bonde; the plow glad he sang; across the meadow of Mos so pleasing it rang.

Who was part well as sharpening his scythe one summer and then spat in his fist and jumped certainly not in Mag? It was Jens Peter Bonde; he swung his scythe with diligence. "It's ef to wait: now it Aarsens Time".

And when bed Winter Tide in early in dawn we hear city Pigs on the Cape's lungs Sky a lament sing, - as is the sign for Christmas. As the prices we Jens Peter; he ensures our Sul.

When Wedding to be what does another Party as to appear Jens Peter offers us Guest. He benches us at the table; he'll prevent the pitcher the bli'r empty.

And An 'Mari' in home to enjoy quite understood; she passed Children's Party; She was on all good. Well Disease came to Houses - comes art invited himself. - When two each other helps, it goes anyway.

Now you have lived together fifty years. And his back was slightly bent, and fraat was your hair. - We have the common wish, all I with gentle Kaar ma happy among us move yet in many years.

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Dimensions528 x 1500
Linked toFamily: Rasmussen/Pedersen (F181)

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