Ollie Belle Kerr Obituary
Farthing, Ollie Belle (Kerr) 17 Jun 1882 - Dec 1985 OH 10 Jun 1982 p2
[Note: Daughter of William James & Sarah Susan (Lyman) Kerr; married Dr. Robert Richard Farthing 21 Oct 1874 - 17 Sept 1953]
Mrs. Farthing has 100th Birthday
Mrs. R. R. Farthing will celebrate her 100th birthday on Thursday, June 17, with an open house at Fremont Manor, Springfield in the Lodge Room from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.. Friends and relatives are cordially invited to attend. Ollie Belle Kerr was born on June 17, 1882, about three miles north of Ozark and has lived all her life in Christian County. She was married for more than 50 years to Dr. Kerr who practiced medicine in Christian County until his death in 1953. Mrs. Farthing accompanied her husband on his calls in his “horse and Buggy” days and assisted in the delivery of many babies. The couple had three sons, Dr. Fred (now deceased), Jack A., Ozark and Dr. Gene, Springfield. Mrs. Farthing has eight grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren.
Farthing, Ollie Belle (Kerr) 17 Jun 1882 - 11 Dec 1985 OH 19 Dec 1985 pB8
Services for Ollie Belle Farthing, 103, Ozark, were held Dec. 13 in Adams Funeral Chapel with the Revs. Troy Rhoden and Ivan Coyle officiating. Burial was in Maple Park Cemetery, Springfield. Mrs. Farthing died Dec. 11 in Americana-Fremont Healthcare Center, Springfield, following a long illness. She was a member of the First Baptist Church in Ozark, Eastern Star, Ladies Literary Club, and other area civic organizations. Survivors include two sons, Jack A. Farthing, Ozark and Dr. Gene W. Farthing, Springfield; eight grandchildren; 17 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Contributions may be made to the First Baptist Church, Ozark.
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